Just in the nick of time! We have power and we have our heat pump up and running. Spring time here goes by really fast and we will be hitting upper 90's soon. We are ready! Systems are all working great and had no issues with getting them running. All light fixtures are in and working great. It still may take us some time to remember to flip a switch for light! So used to working in the dark...
Now that we are getting into a list of smaller projects my husband is keeping a running punch list and so far every weekend we have completed all that was scheduled plus a little more. It is exciting now to see things coming together and the hardest decisions are over!!

Lots of beautiful light!
Moving right along, we have found these cedar planks and we will be making our kitchen island counter out of these at a later date. Aren't they gorgeous?👉

I like the live edge, it is really going to look great on our island. By the way it now looks like this.
A friend gave us the old barn wood we used across the long side and another friend gave us the old rusty metal we used on both ends. We stained the store bought base cabinets mahogany and it will be a fabulous contrast to the wall cabinets.
Speaking of:👇 Here is a series of photos showing the steps we are going through with finishing the kitchen cabinets. After a sanding, we stained the cabinets Dark Walnut. Once that dried, we painted them with two coats of white paint. The finishing touches will be a sanding on just the edges to bring out the darker color underneath and then final finish of a clear glaze.

The stain sure makes them dark


That photo doesn't do the house justice. I will upload another soon, but the lights are just amazing

What's a farm without vegetables? We have a lot of seedlings growing and they will be transplanted into the raised beds soon. Also, added two citrus trees and another peach tree. Some of the vegetables: broccoli, kale, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, peppers, squash