After much debate and searching for wood sources in our area we ordered and received 500 16' yellow pine tongue and groove boards. These are 1" x 8" #122 boards. Originally we wanted white pine, but there was a lot of mix up with the pricing and availability. That happens when sources are few.
These boards are going on all walls and ceilings. That is the reason we shopped around for 10' - 12' boards, but it may end up being a faster install with the 16' boards. We should end up with a little left over, even with drops.
Temporary storage is not ideal with all the rain we have been having, but maybe it will get us moving faster on the installation!
Of course, as soon as the wood was delivered we had to try it out. So we started covering our living area beam. It is looking good. we will be giving that beam texture and a dark coat of stain to make it really stand out.
Working on test pieces for stain. The beam will be the darker stain on the far left. One of the three on the right will be the trim for all corners, windows and doors.
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